A Decentralized Digital Audio Workstation

Built with Open Source Technologies. Artists / Producers can create tracks and with a click be able to mint their creations and set royalty in code through Unique Audio + Video NFTs.

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No More Middlemen

Buy & Sell Samples, Beats, Arrangements on Chain

On mint, the DDAW will generate a unique NFT by making a mix down and adjusting the Channel Levels and FX Sends and a Master Bus Channel based on the time of mint and wallet address autonomously until 512 NFTs are Minted on Base (OPStack, L2) and Ethereum (L1)

Features 01
A Revolution in Songs, Beats, Sample Production Technology.

Music Studio On Chain

The tracks will be put individually on our own custom version of Helicon: forked from tr666eth/helicon A library for making music with web audio. It was developed as part of the audioglyphs project, but we hope that it will be useful to others working on similar things.

  • Works on majority Browsers
  • Lossless Audio Processing
  • FX, One Button Remix, Mint straight from the DAW!
Features 02
Web Audio API is in every modern Browser.

Keep projects on schedule

It aims to use native web audio APIs as directly as possible and to be general purpose - avoiding including any specific audio processing or sequencing code in favor of things that apply to any project and any style of music.

  • Program your royalties in code (NFTs)
  • Create instant Visualization of Sound and Mint A/V NFTs
  • Control every Channel and modulate FX, Sends and Level Automation or let the DDAW AI decide or ask it for a style.
Features 03
Fully Open Source

Keep projects on schedule

Anyone can submit feedback, use the code, add to the code, make proposals to the DAO.

  • https://warpcast.com/~/channel/ddaw
  • https://github.com/ivcained/DDAW
  • hi@ddaw.xyz

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